KatiBear on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/katibear/art/Little-Princess-Icon-Set-128627269KatiBear

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KatiBear's avatar

Little Princess Icon Set



Another icon set, as requested :aww:
Had this one drawn up for a while, just hadn't got around to scanning and editing.

Probably great to put on your kids computer, or if your like me and a little childish sometimes, your own :D

View my other Icon sets:
Little Asia Icon Set
Be My Valentine Icon Set

Please Whoever put my last icon sets up on So[link] signing up with my username WITHOUT my permission, please DO NOT do that again. Ask my permission first!


:bulletblack: Mac Set [Folder]
-7 Mac Icons
:bulletblack: Windows Set [Folder]
-7 Windows Icons
:bulletblack: Little Princess Icon Set [Please Read].txt
:bulletblack: Little Princess Icon Set Preview.jpg

File Format: .rar
File Size Total: 1.52MB

-The Large Icons work best for better detail.
-Large Icons for Windows will only work for Vista
-I'm unable to test the Mac Icons as I am on Vista, so any problems with them please do tell me.
-If you have any trouble 'installing' them please feel free to ask for help.


Intructions for .rar file:
:bulletblack: You will need a program such as WinRAR to be able to access and use the files.
:bulletblack: To get the file Press Download.
:bulletblack: Once downloaded, Right click the file and select 'extract'
:bulletblack: You're done :) Enjoy!


Windows Theme: :: Mongoose :: by ~sweatyfish
© 2009 - 2024 KatiBear
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TheVioletKaos's avatar
These are so freaking cute. I already have the Asian Set and I must have these too!! Wonderful job!